Monday, February 22, 2010

Imagine the possibilities

Thinking outside the box, I want you to imagine, a major corporation and tax sheltering that corporation $100 million dollars legally and legitimately. Imagine it can be done right here in North America, imagine that the language to legally do this is defined as a statute under the Constitution of Canada. Imagine that policy and procedure, various successful court cases that have changed the language to a degree of this defined statute, to create an even better economic environment for First Nations people to truly benefit to achieve self reliance. Imagine it can be done on both sides of the border, and imagine it can be done with very legal and defined banking processes. Now I want you to imagine it is being exercised in some First Nations communities, but not exercising the full benefit and entitlement. We have said to some Chiefs and some Communities, your exercising your true rights and entitlements, as an example by one yard, imagine if you can exercise it by three yards. It sounds easy, but it can be very complicated in process and legal language, but with understanding and education on the process of setting up an environment like this, it can be made easy. A lot a gray areas to exercise, and the business norms have some unfamiliarity to partnerships. When done and exercised in a fashion, can you imagine the outcomes. "This is a good time to be Indian", this is a good time to use one another, this is a good time to trust and risk with one another. Can you imagine the outcomes.

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